Friday, May 21, 2010

Boo turns one today!

Just a year ago I was holding a newborn. After a blue labor (I wore all blue- dress, socks and head scarf)- she came out quickly in our teeny tiny bathroom! Surprise, it's a girl, a sweet and pink baby girl at 1:24am. The next day the lilac bloomed outside our window and I could rest my eyes on them from our bed. Then just a week before my baby turned 1, I watched my second niece be born into a narrow bathroom, also a surprise baby girl!

Aren't babies yummy?!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Days of May

Wonderful weather and happy company have recently been our way.
We took full advantage of both friends and flowers and hiked our way to the pond nearby. Fairy Girl and her friend were enraptured with daisy chains and made extras to give away to other hikers.

The next day they made a flower feast and while it isn't pictured, there was also some muddly plantian soup. Tree blossoms, dandelions, wildflowers and grass were all used to make a restaurant. I hear that fairy pancakes are going fast!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Breakfast for self-made champions

0506000900.jpg, originally uploaded by lichen lady.

So what do you do when you grow out of your hand-me-down superman pajamas but you still want to where the cape? Your beg your mother to dig it out of the "too small bin" but she refuses until your begging drives her nuts and she says, "how about we just tape it" on to your new hand-me-down Lightning McQueen pajamas? Mom grabs the painting masking tape near by and ta-da! superhero in action. Glad he was okay with that!
Oh what do champions eat? Chamomile tea, maple yogurt and pineapple muffins. Well, at least for first breakfast anyway!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday's Rainbow

0501001851.jpg, originally uploaded by lichen lady.

By the time I went to get my "real" camera, this rainbow had faded. But it was a gorgeous view looking Southeast from our front porch. When we ran to the Northeast side of the house we could see the other end. We felt "somewhere [under] the rainbow."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our first May Day tradition.

We crept up quietly to five houses in the neighborhood and delivered flowers from our yard. We didn't Ding-Dong-Ditch as I have heard some people do. No, it was just fun to feel like we were sneaking away leaving a present. I am very grateful to inherit so many flowers growing in our yard. What a beautiful legacy the previous owners have given us!
(sorry for the repetitive posts, I am having trouble with inserting photos)