Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day, Hooray!

A purchased bouquet for deer insurance (see below)
From the innocence of wearing flower crowns to the pagan Beltane celebrations, May Day traditions have always captured my imagination. Last year for Fairy Girl's Waldorf inspired class, I made a maypole  and dyed strips of muslin for the ribbons. Their instructor taught us this song as they danced.

Here's a branch of snowy May, a branch the fairies gave me.
Who would like to dance today, with the branch the fairies gave me?
Dance away, dance away, holding high the branch of May,
Dance away, dance away, holding high the branch of May!

Despite sick kiddos and tulip eating deer, Fairy Girl and I were still able to sneak away early this morning to deliver flowers in the neighborhood.  It's a cool day, in fact the thermometer read 40 F this morning as we picked flowers.  The gusty wind made it even colder and Fairy Girl mentioned numb fingers while picking. But even though the deer had indeed stole more flowers from the yard, we were still able to harvest some. Last year the tulips hadn't even bloomed by the first of May.

Grape hyacinth is always so cheerful

Pretzel did not like waiting while we picked flowers

We made one less drop off this year because I didn't have enough cans/ jars prepared, but under the circumstances I don't think anyone will hold it against us. I know in future years I will have more helpers, but it has been special to create this tradition with Fairy Girl.  When I went into her room at 6:30am this morning, she was awake in bed just waiting for the cue.

Sneaking up
Sometimes I hear rumors from the other adult in the family that maybe we celebrate too many festivals. The concern is for my stress level I guess.  But honestly, most simple festivals relieve stress.  I look forward to their observances.  I can't think of one that I would like to discontinue. Sometimes special days are the best reason to get up early with a cranky baby and do something beautiful. Hopefully, sleep will come in the afternoon!