Monday, December 13, 2010
Traditions continued...
After our Friday experience, we then planned a trip Saturday afternoon to the Manito Conservatory. We visit the Christmas lights display almost every year. I thought this year would be really fun because Boo was at an age to appreciate it. I forgot my camera, however, and Boo slept through the entire exhibit. We do our best and life happens. I still always like to see the flowering jade plant that must be a century old.
On Sunday the plan was to make and decorate cookies that we would deliver to grandparents for Saint Lucia day the next morning. My mom beat me to it and brought over 5 dozen cookies to decorate. The kids had fun eating their creations and racking up a sugar dosage in two hours that they normally don't see in a month. Okay, not just the kids- that canned frosting is addictive. When I read the can's ingredients I couldn't help but toss the leftovers away right then and there. I stayed up and made gingerbread scones to deliver in the morning because I didn't see the grandmas wanting there own cookies given back. I couldn't find powdered saffron at the last minute to make St. Lucia buns, so I just went with the traditional gingerbread theme.
So this morning, Monday, I got up early (for me it was early, but there seemed to be plenty of people out and about by the time we left the house) and woke the kids. They dressed in their white gowns and put on their respective head-wear while I bagged up the scones and we were off to see the grandmas. Baby Dragon kept asking me if it was really morning when it was so dark outside. He then asked if I would sew a matching gown for his doll. All this chatter happened before we left the driveway and I was just trying to escape before Boo woke up again and missed her morning snack. We made it to Great-grandma's place and she was already up. Then we went to Grandma's house and she was already up. Finally, we made it to Nana's and Papa's house and woke somebody up. Saint Lucia Day tradition is waking up family members with coffee and special pastries while singing. We haven't learned the "real" song yet, so we just sing our favorite good morning songs. The kids were greeted with hugs, dog kisses, and hot cocoa. I think they like it. A lot.
Some December Traditions
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Day of Four-year-old Musings
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Labor Day Getaway
Then it was time to turn around and head back. We had boated for an hour and a half up to the town of Priest River. We went up a tributary and enjoyed looking at houses on the water. Some you could tell had been in the family for a couple of generations, each making small improvements. Then there were brand new second homes/ mansions too. Life seemed to be so relaxed and simple. When we turned back, it had grown much cooler and cloudier, but still beautiful.
We made a beeline back to the marina- see why below....
Sunset at Schweitzer
The back flip everyone loves
We returned home Sunday evening. We decided on the way home that we should use our precious huckleberries to make scones on Monday morning. But before we had breakfast, Selah ran in to tell me that we have a plum tree and there were baskets of ripe fruit to pick. Our lot is full of surprises!

Here's a little sampling of our Monday morning harvest. Perfect fall colors!

Upon finishing breakfast, Daddy set off with his own plans and the two older kids left with Great grandma. I tried to plan our homeschool lessons, but Boo would have none of that...argh. Still how can you be mad when you just had a gorgeous brunch? Upon returning home in the afternoon, the kids found a new rope swing in the backyard! Daddy of the year award coming for sure! He also put trim around the windows of the playhouse which is less glamorous to write about, but oh so necessary to the remodel. So I guess that makes just about the best Labor Day weekend we've ever had!

Watch out Mom! Wheeeeee!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Some Summer Goodness From the Backyard

We believe four of our five hens are laying eggs. Today we cracked open two eggs with double yolks to our surprise! Our Banty Hera laid the small light brown egg, the other brown eggs are from the sexlink hens and of course our coveted green egg is from miss Helen, our beautiful Americauna. They all have an amazing orange yolk color from their free ranging habits.
I am especially proud of the yellow pear and tigerella heirloom tomatoes I started from seed. This is my first harvest. The blackberries came with the house. Again, such amazing abundance have we been given.
The next bit of goodness is a toddling Boo with straight up ponytail and blackberry juice smeared everywhere.
Since she loves berries so much, we've slid into calling her Booberry. Notice the juice between the fingers. This makes her extra delectable.
It was hard to shoot this moving target, but this pic gives you the overall impression we enjoyed last night after dinner.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
And ignoring my blog!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Ignoring my garden.
In the rush to finish a project for my sister's wedding, I forgot to tend my garden boxes. We picked a few peas, (I should say the kids picked some) for dinner a couple of times. I knew there were more peas, but I just didn't know how many more were waiting. Tonight I put Boo on my back in the Ergo and picked away. The snow peas barely fit in the basket and the snap peas were hefty as well. Yum! I love plants that thrive on my neglect.
While I don't have a literal picture to prove it, I want to say that my/ our chickens (and, ahem, one rooster) seem like the happiest fowl alive. They are ranging the side yard, under the bushes, in the ground cover and on the grass. Fairy Girl is a self designated chicken shepherdess, leading them to greener pastures (patches) and away from the rhubarb plant. I heard sudden grief from the window and ran out to discover that Huckleberry had swallowed Fairy Girl's hair elastic. So far nothing has come of the incident. I hope nothing does. We have since scoured the side yard for shiny chicken temptations and hope that mitigates any potential risks. The sun has shined for 7 days straight and it really feels like summer! How did the 4th of July sneak up on me again? It's time to do some decorating and to plant the next crop and do it while the sound of the neighbor's oscillating sprinkler lulls me into perfect summer oblivion. Ahhhh. So nice!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Tooth Fairy Still Comes!
This is a secret, don't let Fairy Girl know I posted this. Her sweet little notes and her handstitched gifts for the Tooth Fairy are so precious. I know she has more teeth to lose than her belief in fairies will last and so I just wanted to capture what innocence and gratefulness she had at 7years and 3 months old. Not pictured here are the coat and bag she made for all the fairy accessories to fit inside. I argued that perhaps that was too much for a fairy to fly off with, but she replied, "Mom, I made a bag for all of it so it would be easy." It is so easy! You just have to believe in possibility...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Home is Where Your Heart is!
I came home last evening to view this out our bedroom window. With all that can burden us through the day, it's nice to know that being together is still the most important thing to my husband.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Boo turns one today!
Just a year ago I was holding a newborn. After a blue labor (I wore all blue- dress, socks and head scarf)- she came out quickly in our teeny tiny bathroom! Surprise, it's a girl, a sweet and pink baby girl at 1:24am. The next day the lilac bloomed outside our window and I could rest my eyes on them from our bed. Then just a week before my baby turned 1, I watched my second niece be born into a narrow bathroom, also a surprise baby girl!
Aren't babies yummy?!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Days of May

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Breakfast for self-made champions
So what do you do when you grow out of your hand-me-down superman pajamas but you still want to where the cape? Your beg your mother to dig it out of the "too small bin" but she refuses until your begging drives her nuts and she says, "how about we just tape it" on to your new hand-me-down Lightning McQueen pajamas? Mom grabs the painting masking tape near by and ta-da! superhero in action. Glad he was okay with that!
Oh what do champions eat? Chamomile tea, maple yogurt and pineapple muffins. Well, at least for first breakfast anyway!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday's Rainbow
By the time I went to get my "real" camera, this rainbow had faded. But it was a gorgeous view looking Southeast from our front porch. When we ran to the Northeast side of the house we could see the other end. We felt "somewhere [under] the rainbow."
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Our first May Day tradition.

We crept up quietly to five houses in the neighborhood and delivered flowers from our yard. We didn't Ding-Dong-Ditch as I have heard some people do. No, it was just fun to feel like we were sneaking away leaving a present. I am very grateful to inherit so many flowers growing in our yard. What a beautiful legacy the previous owners have given us!